Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A big two!!

My son just turn two years old!!!I'm so proud of him! I can't belive he is growing so fast!! He is smart ,funny, cute , he is my little helper,he is my little troublemaker and the list can go on, and on. I just wish he could stop growing  so fast at least for little bit:):) I LOVE HIM SO MUCH !!!!!!!
Love Urszula


  1. cute! xx sophia

  2. ale slodziudkie zdjecie! wszystkiego najlepszego dla Twojej pociechy!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog and left me a sweet comment Urszula =) I'm happy for you that you are such a good mom to take the effort to celebrate birthday with you boy =)
    Have a nice weekend with family and I hope to ese you soon at my blog again..


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